There are many nuances to a short sale transaction and every short sale is unique. Therefore the short sale agent you choose can make or break the deal, so choose wisely. When researching for a short sale agent, experience is very important. Research your local market and see who has the other local short sale […]
Posts Tagged: Realtor
Stockton short sales coming together!
We specialize in pre-foreclosure short sales in Stockton in San Joaquin County and are finally finding that the banks willing to cooperate. We have established relationships with banks and mortgage servicers to process short sales. They cooperate with us because we save them money and get the done. Sellers list with us because short sales […]
Home Sales Up in US but Down in CA – Lenders Partially to Blame
National home sales were up 10% this September according to the National Association of Realtors. Some factors contributing to this growth are low mortgage rates and high affordability, home prices are averaging 22% less of where they were five years ago. Affordability has been influenced by the weakness in home buying activity. September’s home sales […]
Stockton Credit Holds On – Know Your FICO and Vantage Scores
According to Experian the Stockton area currently ranks 79th out of 142 credit markets the company follows. This is optimistic news for the area which has been the real estate poster child for this recession with some of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation. Stockton with a current score of 744 is now just […]
Stockton Area Real Estate Market Prime Opportunity For Buy And Bail Fraud
Download now or preview on posterous -buy-and-bail-ho.pdf (26 KB) A “buy and bail,” is when a buyer buys a new house before their credit rating is ruined by walking away from their old house. It’s an attempt to escape payments on a property that is already “underwater”, and move into a new home with a […]
Could This Be The End of Short Sales?
Download now or preview on posterous 08 11 10.pdf (71 KB) Keep your eyes on the news August 17th when the Treasury will be holding a hearing regarding the future plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It is rumored that the Obama administration is about to order the government-controlled lenders to forgive a portion […]
10 steps to ‘short sale’ buying
Bobbi Dempsey one of the authors of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buying Foreclosures” blogs on the following list: 10 steps to short-sale homebuying 1. Identify potential short sales. 2. View the property. 3. Do your research. 4. Find all liens and mortgages. 5. Figure out the financing. 6. Contact the lender. 7. Complete the […]
Short Sale Fraud
In the recent article posted by Karl Denninger entitled New Short Sale Fraud Allegations: Second Liens, The subject of fraud with short sale subordinate lien holders is discussed. Unfortunately since second lien holders frequently, get 10% or less, they often request funds off the HUD to be brought in by real estate agents or the […]
Short Sales are Risky for Homebuyer Tax Credit
In the article titled Homebuyer-Tax-Credit-Deadline-Freezes-Out-Short-Sales By Steve Cook at Real Estate Economy Watch, Mr. Cook discusses the unpredictable and lengthy nature of short sale transactions. In particular, he focuses on the inability to rely on a short sale timeframe to guarantee qualifying for the Homebuyer Tax Credit which requires that a buyer be under contract […]
2nd position lenders knowingly commit fraud
The Short Sales and Bank Fraud story continues to gain traction. After CNBC aired the story we brought them, dozens of other media outlets, bloggers and authorities have contacted me to discuss this topic. Here is the story of how this fraud initially came to our attention, along with the evidence to back it up. […]
How will a Stockton short sale or loan mod affect your FICO score?
I receive many questions from potential Stockton short sale sellers regarding the impact of short sales, loan modifications and late pays on their FICO scores. The San Francisco Examiner published an article regarding the subject. Worth checking out. View article… Posted via email from Posterous Article: Big Banks Accused of Short Sale Fraud
Big Banks Accused of Short Sale Fraud – Just as regulators, lawmakers and all forms of financial oversight boards are talking about new regulations to guard against mortgage fraud and another mortgage meltdown, there appears to be yet a new mortgage fraud out there today, allegedly perpetuated by agents of, yes, the big banks. For […]
The Second Mortgage Challenge
In order to do a short sale the second lien holder must also agree to the terms of the sale. This is even more challenging than with the first lien holder, since there usually isn’t much left to gain for the second in line. Obama’s administration has tried to encourage second lien holders into the incentive […]
Four Common Mistakes Made by Short Sale Buyers
So often buyers say they don’t want to get involved in a short sale because they believe short sales always fall apart. However when one explores why short sales so often fall apart they are likely to find the buyer frequently plays a significant role. Sure, one can argue that there are difficult lenders who […]
Build Your Ark, the Short Sale Flood is Coming
The Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program or HAFA will not only effect how lenders manage short sales as I have previously mentioned in the December 17, 2009 post, it will demand that all lenders who operate under HAMP offer short sales to any failed loan modification attempts who are eligible. With the current numbers at […]
The Next Wave – Luxury Short Sales
A recent Bloomberg News article reports first time home buyers were aided this past year by an $8,000 tax credit that raised resales to a 6.1 million annual pace in October, the highest since February 2007 according to the NAR. Last month President Obama extended the program for another year for first time buyers and […]
Foreclosure and Short Sale Tax Implications
The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act of 2007 and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2009 provide tax relief for debt forgiven through a short sale or foreclosure. In the Internal Revenue Code Section 108, discharge of qualified debt from the purchase of a principal residence can be excluded from income if the discharge occurs in […]
Streamlined Shortsales? Really? Hey, I Have This Bridge For Sale…
Buyers and sellers unfamiliar with the short sale process always ask if there is anything that can be done to speed up the short sale process. As I have mentioned before, there are new and improved rules that have just been formed to streamline the short sale process that will go into effect April 5, […]
They Should be Called Long Sales
Time and time again sellers, buyers and agents involved in short sale transactions complain that the process takes too long. In fact, buyers often get frustrated and leave prior to receiving approval. It isn’t uncommon to go through two or three buyers in any given short sale. This is unfortunate since it can prolong the […]
Short Sales Gain and REOs Slip
Although the number of foreclosures has been reported as going down 8% since last month, it is still up 18% over this time last year. Don’t be mislead by the numbers, foreclosures are still ocurring in large numbers and the government is actively trying to create incentives to help prevent them. The good news is […]
U.S. Treasury to Impose New Short Sale Incentives and Requirements for Lenders
As reported by Reuters on Monday The U.S. Treasury released terms for mortgage companies to increase approval times on short sales and loan modification programs to reduce the numbers of foreclosures. The Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program will provide financial incentives and simplifies the procedures for completing short sales. Since the HAMP program encounters situations […]
Stockton Short Sales and Stockton Foreclosures
The number of Stockton REOs has decreased as banks and investors sell REOs in bulk and foreclosures are purchased at a discount on the court house steps. Banks and investors are also starting to rent the homes they own. We expect this will provide a downward pressure on rental rates. Landlords should lock tenants into […]
Stockton Short Sales Are Alive and Well
In the last two weeks the Homes In Stockton team has received 3 Stockton short sale approvals and successfully postponed an additional 3 foreclosures that are currently under short sale approval consideration. If you have a home in default in Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Tracy or nearby outlying areas, we may be able to help you! […]
New Push Toward Short Sales
The US Treasury Department has announced the formation of a new incentive program aimed at encouraging mortgage servicers to pursue short sales. Details are expected later this month. The program is expected to simplify the process of pursuing short sales by standardizing the process, documentation and timeframes. A short sale is a transaction in which […]
Government short sale incentive program
Short sale incentive program is on its way! Is it the solution we all have been waiting for or too little too late? Read article here Call me at (209) 471-6516 or email me at [email protected] regarding any questions you may have regarding Stockton real estate, Lathrop real estate, Lodi real estate, Manteca real estate […]