Equifax Inc., is reporting that the number of 30 days past due mortgagees in January was up for 50 percent compared to January 2008. They also are reporting that the number of delinquent equity lines has accelerated by 3.39 percent in January 2009 compared to December 2008, the largest increase in 10 years.
Monthly Archives:: February 2009
Great news….FHA limits increased in San Joaquin County!
One-Family Two-Family Three-Family Four-Family $488,750 $625,700 $756,300 $939,900
Produce the Note!
Interesting new catch phrase sweeping across the country “Produce the Note”. Homeowners facing foreclosure have found a way to stick it to the banks. Essentially what is happening is that homeowners are filing the paperwork necessary to require the foreclosing bank to produce a copy of the original note. Doesn’t sound like it should be […]